Friday, May 16, 2008

Gay Marriage

The liberal side is that gay marriage should be legal everywhere. They believe that it shouldn't matter what gender you are; as long as you love eachother, then that's all that matters. Liberals think that religion shouldn't have an impact on who can get legally married. Church and state should stay completely separate.
The conservative side is that gay marriage shouldn't be okay. They think that marriage is between a man and a woman, and since that's how it's been forever, that's how it should stay. Conservatives believe that gay marriage is corrupt, and against the bible, and not what God wants. Christians tend to be very conservative when it comes to gay marriage because of how homosexuality isn't "right".
I'm very liberal when it comes to this issue. Love doesn't have a gender. Gay couples should have the same rights as straight ones, especially when it comes to getting married. Marriage is a sacred bond between two people, and it shouldn't discriminate. Not letting gay couples get married is like when the US was completely racist to black people. I think anyone should have the right to get married.

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